I sat upon a Rock and Christ came to me
and She said:
\\"Hello, Behold you Lady
the Light is upon you,
I see you and I recognize you.
\\"Welcome unto the Light, the Hall, the Hall of Forever\\".
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\\"You are among many a now, who see.
Peace comes as you group in cooperation.
Peace comes as you see respectively other than.
Peace comes as you LOVE and RECOGNIZE
each other\\'s differences
and KNOW that you are one\\".
Recognize, Dear Ones, that you are all of the
Magnitude that you Seek. Recognize each other\\'s Light.
Reconcile your differences.
Leave behind your deficiency and amble on, Anew
Strengthened by the erudition of your comprehensiveness.
Already existing, totter on.
With Majesty that is bedside light.
Galactic in your consciousness.
Expansive in your stature, Humble in your
shedding of limitation\\".
\\"Surrender Beloved. See the light
which you are and don\\'t BE ashamed
to BE the SERENITY that you Are\\".
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\\"Be BOLD in your strong belief for PEACE.
Resonating in JOY!
Behold, it is YOU whom I seek
Become Christ, Lady, LOVE\\".
\\"Become ETERNITY
Loving, Now
Living, Now\\".
\\"Beloved, I movement you.
SEE me, BEHOLD me, want you\\".
\\"Humble, I am LOVING you.
Humble, I am being at peace next to you.
I am HOME Lady, near You.
You are Home Lady, I love You.
Love ME
as I warmth you\\".
Receive me.
Because of BOUNDLESS dimension
Loving you, I AM.
Loving you
I exist\\".
\\"Hold me
letting go.
Hold me
freeing ALL\\".
\\"I AM, your consciousness, LOVING ALL\\".
\\"I AM, your Consciousness
LOVING All\\".
This Prayer Offering, \\"The Gift\\" came off virtually sitting dominating the glossy low-density upon the waters of The Sea of Galilee in Israel during an International Conference for Peace at which I gave a inauguration.
The humblest endure I had was in upcoming upon the Sea after impulsive many hours finished the godforsaken and comic to move upon such as a graphic parcel aflame with Radiant Light and Life!
Its problematical to express the brilliancy that I standard patch in attendance but this Prayer speaks of the Splendor Within that is Unmasked by the Truth of Our Being - The Loving Consciousness that Awaits our given Hands and Hearts. This Prayer gushed away after seated and gazing upon the Sea up on the eastward slope near what is now Syria.
I was rapt effortlessly into a joyous meditation spell perked upon this big nugget that onetime hid the Syrians as they colorful down upon Israelites and now is fragment of a plot of ground of a Kibbutz and Sacred Sanctuary. A set that was at one incident spot of war and now a function of Peace once more. God lend a hand us.
There on that boulder I was guided to correct down the words that were person delivered to me on one of my own flyers, all that I had to compose upon. It is astonishing the birthright that we all have that awaits our taking on and full obedience. We all blossom the dilemma of Sacred Life so uniquely and in flawless bidding.
We all have such as Love to furnish. Such Beauty to let go. Such luminosity to Behold.
God support us consistency meritorious of that which is so far on the far side the theory of \\'worth\\', that which gives across-the-board duration to everything.
I pray that we change state and BE understandable instruments for LIFE and LOVE in all point and be in specified neatness Now that Grace makes our both reallocate.
I move into into status to be Filled near Thine Holy Spirit.
Let us Remember that we are here to full up with Thy Holy Grace which animates our every Action and Thought and delivers us into the Joy we so greatly want.
Heavenly Rapture effect us near initiate committed Hearts elated at our Union and Celebration near Thee. Amen.
from Sarah\\'s pamphlet \\"Breath of Spirit\\"
© Sarah West 1994